Fiber: Too Much Of A Good Thing? How Complete Prebiotic Can Help

Fiber Too Much Of A Good Thing_ How Complete Prebiotic Can Help

Guess what, dear reader? You aren’t getting enough fiber.

...unless you are one of the 5% of people who get enough fiber in their diet, your body is probably struggling to manage your blood sugar, absorb nutrients, and regulate your digestive system.

A lack of fiber can also lead to difficulty losing weight, sleeping, and feeling satiated. So how do you make sure you are getting the recommended amount of fiber in your diet? Add plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and beans to your diet, and consider adding a prebiotic with a diverse range of fibers to your wellness routine.

Fiber 101

You’ve likely heard plenty about fiber, namely that you need a high-fiber diet to help your body work properly. Adults need between 25-35 grams of fiber a day to stay healthy, but most only get around 15.

While that may not seem like a huge deficit, especially considering all the other nutritional requirements we should be meeting, fiber is absolutely crucial for your health.

Fiber helps stabilize your blood sugar by feeding the healthy bacteria in your gut microbiome, ensuring your body can effectively pull nutrients from your food and excrete waste. You might think “if fiber only helps my gut, then it’s not that big a deal to consume an adequate amount”. But your gut is crucial for your overall health.

A healthy gut supported with plenty of fiber can help you avoid disease in the long term and increase your quality of life in the short term. Fiber is found in whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. But even if you happen to have a diet high in those food groups, you likely still need help hitting that 25-35 grams of fiber per day. In fact, apples have around 4.4 grams of fiber, which means that in order to hit your ideal fiber intake you need to eat around 5-6 apples a day to hit that minimum.

Not only would it take a concerted effort to eat enough fiber, but you also need diverse sources of fiber to round out your gut health. That means consuming enough fiber from multiple food groups throughout the day, which is doable, but not easy or even reasonable for most busy adults. That’s why Complete Prebiotic is the perfect solution for anyone who needs to up their fiber intake—it is made from real, organic, non-GMO whole foods, ensuring you’re getting the highest quality product on the market.*

5 Tips for When You Start Taking Fiber

1. Increase Fiber Gradually

First, assess how much fiber you are currently getting in a day using a food tracker and online resources. Don’t be discouraged if it’s well below the recommended intake; knowledge is power and when you have a starting point, you can only move up! Slowly increase your fiber intake, start by adding more whole grains, fruits and veggies, and legumes and beans. When you add Complete Prebiotic to your routine, start with a quarter of a packet daily for the first week, then half a packet daily the second week, three-quarters of a packet daily the third week, then a full packet each day during the last week. As always, stay in tune with your body, and if you notice discomfort slow your intake and increase your water consumption.

2. Spread Fiber Intake Throughout The Day

Fiber is crucial for digestive function, and when you start increasing your intake make sure to spread your fiber throughout the day. Start by adding fruit (keep the skin on!) to your breakfast, a dark leafy green to your lunch, and then a side of brown rice to your dinner. Keeping your fiber intake steady throughout the day will regulate your blood sugar and keep you feeling full all day.

3. Drink More Water

Generally speaking, you need to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. So if you weigh 150 lbs, drink at least 75 oz of water. But, when you start to increase your fiber intake your body will need even more water to support the changes that will happen in your digestive system. And if you drink caffeine or alcohol, work out, or live in a hot climate, you’ll need extra water to help keep you hydrated. Without enough water, the fiber you consume might cause digestive dysfunction that stops your body from moving waste through your system effectively.

4. Get Moving

Exercise improves your physical and mental health, but it’s especially important when you start adding fiber to your diet. Exercising helps by shortening the time it takes for food to move through your large intestine, which limits the amount of water your body can absorb from the food. Increasing your heart rate also helps your body contract the muscles in your intestines, which helps move your food through your digestive system effectively.

5. Make Fiber Easy

We all want to be healthy, but human nature is to find the path of least resistance. So make it easy for yourself to incorporate fiber into your diet. Have a fruit salad prepped in the fridge for your morning meal or an afternoon snack. Chop your veggies at the beginning of the week and have hummus or another condiment to add flavor to your vegetable snack. Prep a big batch of brown rice, beans, or legumes to add as a side to your meals. And of course, add Complete Prebiotic to your routine to easily add a diverse range of fiber to your diet.

Hit Your Daily Fiber With Complete Prebiotic

Complete Prebiotic is the easiest way to add diverse prebiotic fiber to your diet. Using real, whole foods like organic apple fiber, organic green banana fiber, anthocyanidins from bilberry fruit, European blueberry, and pomegranate—your gut will thank you for the support. By maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, efficient absorption of nutrients, and a longer sense of satiation, you won’t gravitate to sugary, high-fat food that prevents you from easily losing weight.*

If you are ready to start losing weight, sleeping better, experiencing a more balanced mood, and improving digestion, add Complete Prebiotic to your wellness routine today! Contact your Xyngular distributor today or log in to order Complete Prebiotic.

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